Recipient Demographics

Korean Ancestry Grant Recipient Demographics


Total Awarded: $260,000

Recipients: 24

Average Award: $7,000

Smallest Award: $3,000

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.64

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 92%

Class of 2024: 21%

Class of 2025: 4%

Class of 2026: 17%

Class of 2027: 58%


Total Awarded: $260,000

Recipients: 33

Average Award: $7,000

Smallest Award: $3,000

Largest Award: $12,000

Lowest GPA: 3.50

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 91%

Class of 2023: 9%

Class of 2024: 12%

Class of 2025: 12%

Class of 2026: 67%


Total Awarded: $202,500

Recipients: 28

Average Award: $6,500

Smallest Award: $3,000

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.70

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 86%

Class of 2022: 22%

Class of 2023: 7%

Class of 2024: 18%

Class of 2025: 53%


Total Awarded: $224,500

Recipients: 37

Average Award: $5,000

Smallest Award: $1,000

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.62

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 86%

Class of 2021: 11%

Class of 2022: 3%

Class of 2023: 8%

Class of 2024: 78%


Total Awarded: $159,000

Recipients: 25

Average Award: $6,360

Smallest Award: $2,000

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.50

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 92%

Class of 2020: 8%

Class of 2021: 0%

Class of 2022: 16%

Class of 2023: 76%


Total Awarded: $163,500

Recipients: 24

Average Award: $6,540

Smallest Award: $2,500

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.50

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 87%

Class of 2019: 13%

Class of 2020: 8%

Class of 2021: 21%

Class of 2022: 58%


Total Awarded: $160,000

Recipients: 28

Average Award: $5,714

Smallest Award: $1,000

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.56

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 93%

Class of 2018: 11%

Class of 2019: 0%

Class of 2020: 14%

Class of 2021: 75%


Total Awarded: $150,000

Recipients: 51

Average Award: $2,942

Smallest Award: $1,000

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.50

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 92%

Class of 2017: 8%

Class of 2018: 7%

Class of 2019: 13%

Class of 2020: 72%


Total Awarded: $125,000

Recipients: 34

Average Award: $3,529

Smallest Award: $1,000

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.67

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 85%

Class of 2016: 12%

Class of 2017: 3%

Class of 2018: 9%

Class of 2019: 76%


Total Awarded: $90,800

Recipients: 26

Average Award: $3,492

Smallest Award: $500

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.53

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 88%

Class of 2015: 15%

Class of 2016: 12%

Class of 2017: 15%

Class of 2018: 58%


Total Awarded: $80,000

Recipients: 31

Average Award: $2,500

Smallest Award: $1,000

Largest Award: $5,000

Lowest GPA: 3.50

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 87%

Class of 2014: 10%

Class of 2015: 13%

Class of 2016: 13%

Class of 2017: 64%


Total Awarded: $90,800

Recipients: 34

Average Award: $2,926

Smallest Award: $1,000

Largest Award: $9,500

Lowest GPA: 3.59

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 79%

Class of 2013: 12%

Class of 2014: 9%

Class of 2015: 12%

Class of 2016: 67%


Total Awarded: $120,000

Recipients: 32

Average Award: $3,688

Smallest Award: $1,000

Largest Award: $10,000

Lowest GPA: 3.66

Highest GPA: 4.00

Korean Recipients: 81%

Class of 2012: 10%

Class of 2013: 25%

Class of 2014: 56%

Class of 2015: 9%